OK25: Prioritizing before the collective agreement negotiations – are you a member and haven’t received an email?


In [AC-Tele] Newsletter December 2024, we have asked everyone who is covered by TDC Net and Nuuday’s academic collective agreement for input on new ideas, themes and specific terms that you find important in connection with the upcoming collective agreement negotiations. Thanks for your input.

We have identified 6 themes, and yesterday sent an email to you who are members of one of the professional academic organizations, asking you to prioritize them.

If you are a member and have not received an email with a link to prioritize topics from ac-tele@ac-tele.dk, you can send us an email with information about which AC-organization you are a member of and we will send the email to you. The deadline for answering the questionnaire is Thursday, 9 January 2025.

In week 3, we will exchange demands with TDC Net and Nuuday, and the negotiations will start immediately thereafter.